Ann will ask to meet with you. Q2: Which of the following is another name for spikenard noodles traditionally eaten in Tanabata? ├ Yusuke Kitagawa Kasumi comes with Bless skills, which this enemy conveniently happens to be weak to. Keep that in mind while you're planning your schedule. You know what it’s called, yes? ├ Sojiro Sakura – Hierophant Confidant └ Kasumi Yoshizawa – Faith Confidant Q: Which of these is called a cochleoid, after its resemblance to a snail? If we accept the Biblical narrative, then various theodicies are strengthened and the Problem of Evil & Suffering is weakened. Free time today, you can do whatever you want. You will just discuss the situation with your friends. ( Log Out /  You can buy Aojiru at the Underground Walkway today. ├ Thor └ Leveling Guide, ■ Palace Boss Guides ├ Kamoshida’s Palace If you are stuck, ask Morgana for their general location. ├ Classroom Answers ■ News and Updates ├ Haru Okumura Q: This device made mass executions possible. Q2: Markus mentioned something about the amount of memories you could store, right? ├ Goemon ├ Sojiro Sakura You don't have to visit them in any order, as long as they are available on that day, you can meet them. ├ June Find descriptive alternatives for animal. This fight isn't too difficult if you've made it this far. ├ Awakened Ultimate Persona ├ Raoul ├ Tam Lin └ New Palace When their health gets low, they will use Brave Step to raise their Critical rate and Kougaon. "New P5R Equipment and Skill Cards Added to Electric Chair Guide! ├ Ryuji Sakamoto Q: I wonder. ├ Prometheus Keep proceeding and watch the current events. ├ Hierophant Arcana Q: Between paper bills and coins, which one is issued by the government? └ Consultant Arcana ├ Quiz Show ├ July ├ Billiards Persona 5 Royal ├ Raoul Synthetic: a proposition whose predicate concept is not contained in its subject concept. ├ Billiards Q: Do you know which peg-legged, parrot toting historical figure’s appearance became visual shorthand for pirates? If you have Kawakami's Free Time unlocked, you get free time today. Assist Ann: So Tanabata’s about gods crossing a starry sky to reunite once every year. Unlike the first time you arrived, you are now able to push past the door. Q: Do you know why it’s missing in the character for crow? ├ Fool Arcana Q2: What is the reason that most people can not become a commercial fisherman of Nagarasawa? ├ Mementos Mission Request List └ Jose, ■ Confidant List and Guide Went back to the new Palace to clear a path to the Treasure. Lucky Worker Bag (44800 yen):1 Pick-Me-Up Tie3 Physical Ointment3 Magic Ointment, Lucky Muscle Bag (39800 yen):3 Imported Protein3 Nirvana ST5 Hustle S. You can buy Aojiru at the Underground Walkway. ├ October Q: If we use “three watermelons in the sun” to visualize a certain matter’s size against the universe’s, what are the melons? ├ Futaba Sakura – Hermit Confidant ├ Palace Tips and Strategies └ Athena Picaro Makoto will ask to meet with you. Q1: Which of the following expressions came from the name of the position that Minamoto no Yoshitsune held? ├ Strength Arcana ├ Vending Machine Drinks There will be an obstacle that you must clear before getting a route to Maruki's Treasure, but one of those days involves going to Mementos. Here is a list of shadow weakness to help with that advantage. ├ Mementos Overview and Features ├ Status Inflicting Skills You are joined by Ryuji and Morgana. There is also a Safe Room nearby that you can access. ├ Jazz Jin Persona (Skills) Stats Elemental Resistances Arcana LvL… ├ Kamoshida’s Palace Q1: Which of these phrases has its origins in this shogi piece? ├ Chihaya Mifune – Fortune Confidant ├ Magician Arcana What was that language? In class, answer "Iwate" for a point of Knowledge. It might have something to do with... ? ■ New DLC Persona in P5R Q2: Which of the following describes the density of the stars in outer space? ├ Support Skills Q: The red king crab is biologically related to the hermit crab. Description: Floating female demon dressed in black with wings. They're great to have, don't get me wrong, but "My Actions Today" focus primarily on maxing Confidants and getting all decorations in a single playthrough. ■ Mini-Game Guides ├ May ├ Biyarky ├ Orpheus Telos Picaro Do you know when the earliest ones appeared? Note: Areas in red indicate larger number of Shadows. Q: What was the name of the other famous novel that Sherlock Holmes appeared in? Q2: I think this came up in class. ├ Goro Akechi Q: What is the name of the light-producing substance in fireflies? Q1: Although the line connects A to C it looks like it leads to B instead. ├ Macabre ├ Hifumi Togo Spent time with Kasumi (Faith Confidant Rank 7), Night: ├ Athena ├ Ann (Lovers) ├ Temperance Arcana Q: What event did Emperor Nero add to the Olympics so he could participate? ├ Shadow Okumura (Mammon) Meet her anytime before February 2nd to get her 3rd Stage Persona Al Azif. ├ Third Tier Persona Q: What would happen if you kept washing your hair with water that was contaminated with metal? Spent time with Kasumi (Faith Confidant Rank 8). Met with Lavenza outside the Velvet Room. Futaba can't gain any Baton Pass rank. Q: Can you tell me what the S in SOS means? Q1: What is the name and genus of this organism? Has high accuracy. ├ Satanael ├ Shadow Former Noble ├ Shiki-Ouji ├ Crafting Infiltration Tools Q2: What character archetype refers to a mysterious and seductive woman, typically with ulterior motives? ├ Laundromat and Dirty Equipment Looks bad, but really isn't. Vox Media has affiliate partnerships. ├ Yusuke Kitagawa – Emperor Confidant I wonder if it means ... Q3: So that means the full word basically means... Q: Do you know which author Leblanc borrowed from? Q: Which of these animals is involved in an English idiom about the weather? ├ Shadow Kamoshida (Asmodeus) └ New Velvet Room Features in P5R ├ Gorokichi ├ Sadayo Kawakami ├ Igor – Fool Confidant ├ Ichiko Ohya – Devil Confidant

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