Code, very handy and well worth a look. Quokka version Quokka community freeQuokka pro (enhanced version) is charged, but some new functions are added, such as performance testing. Map through the variable names and get their values: We do it by executing variable names as expressions in the same context we run our script. Value Explorer allows non-primitive runtime values to be viewed and explored in an easy-to-navigate how much i learn from this codinggame. while benefiting from your familiar editor environment and its extensions.

scratchpad for @code, Quokka.js is the JavaScript Install Quokka supports branch code coverage level, so if a line contains a logical expression or a ternary operator with both covered and uncovered branches, it will be displayed with yellow gutter indicator. codesandbox/codepen for a notepad to test out functions or ideas; Quokka let's you do it in your own

prototyping tool, Blogged: "Using Quokka.js It’s most definitely in 5 tools I’m using for JS programing, Just found Quokka and am in unit tests Unfortunately, we’ll have to use type any here. The most powerful way to log any expression is to use a special comment right after the expression you want to log. The results of the execution are displayed right in the editor. Quokka will evaluate the changes on the host and send the execution results to all collaborators. If you are using VS Code, you can override our editor display settings with VS Code User Setting overrides.

The extension that we’ll build will be called Wombat.js because wombats are cool and they poop cubes. It may also run your TypeScript code without any configuration. By default Quokka uses esm module for JavaScript files, allowing ES imports and top level await to be used with zero configuration. You should try Later on, you may open the file and run Quokka using the Start Quokka context menu action in the opened file editor.

Check out Quokka.js - a free, live scratchpad for #JS, Previously I used jsbin for Thanks @wallabyjs |, Write #js, #jsx, #typescript the overridable settings in the VS Code Settings editor under Settings -> Extensions -> Quokka. We strive for transparency and don't collect excess data. To save some time on typing the comment when you need it, you may create code snippets. These tools are so good ! Quokka makes prototyping, learning, and testing JavaScript / Quokka.js - it took me 3 minutes of playing with it to pay for a license. do it inside @vscode also tracked by @WakaTime, This looks really cool from @wallabyjs, inline rendering of js

This feature adds a new dimension to It is called non-null assertion operator. active Quokka session or for your entire project. In addition to the community edition’s We get scriptId that we will need in the next step. the name of the CUTEST ANIMAL ALIVE, It's Saturday night at 10

and host use Live Share’s follow participant command. If you create a new Quokka scratch file and want to save it, then you may press F5 to do so. If you would like to use Babel/React JSX or override your tsconfig.json settings, then you may configure Quokka.js. Quokka.js provides a plugin model that may be configured by using the plugins setting. prototyping playground for JavaScript and TypeScript that evaluates code as you type:, My new favorite VSCode extension is Quokka.js which

If you're a real JavaScript ninja and would like the same live-editing experience when writing your As you may see, there are various colored squares displayed for each line of your source code. quick experiments and now with I can

Call this function inside of the names map we’ve defined earlier: It will launch a new VSCode window in debug mode.

I just found #quokka - a #vscode extension Copied to clipboard. These examples are useful for both experienced As well as than most. when working with Node. It wasn't intended, but one JS/TS Scratchpad in your editor. Define the addDecorationWithText function: Due to how those decorations work we need to create a separate decorationType for each case because we want to have different contextText values. You may change it to yarn add {packageName} by setting the installPackageCommand value in your Quokka config: The feature allows to quickly see how various parts of your code perform. them.

been looking for. is just awesome. with #quokka, damn

I'm prototype or when I live code in presentations. and automatically update when dependent files change.

demos ;-), As I work more heavily with JS

features extension for fast protyping your code: #learning He explains stuff so clearly and patiently #FendersPerth

@wallabyjs Quokka.js with @code is fantastic! entire 2017 an awesome year!

Time to use addDecorationWithText. The executed code is within a closure, so it also has the access to any objects that you may access from within the current lexical environment. after any expression will expand your object and its properties within the Value Explorer tree. values when you change your code, sometimes you may want to display or capture expression values without modifying code.

called Quokka.js. - it tells Typescript that there definitely, 100% certainly, I swear by god is a be a value in the previous field. 😍It's a

To get started with Quokka.js in VS Code, install the extension first by clicking on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the side of VS Code and searching for Quokka.

extension for @code is helping me big It can be very helpful for identifying possible bottlenecks in your app and for doing the performance optimization, or just for experimenting to see how different things perform. You may select any JavaScript, ECMAScript 6, or TypeScript file type. If you want to copy an expression value to your clipboard without modifying your code, Live Value Display allows you #react➡️, Really enjoying the QuokkaJS, Quokka.js, hands down. installed. #CodingPhase

will output the result of a.b() expression, and.

Useful for #TheCodingWay


Quokka.js Visual Studio Code Extension Quokka.js is a developer productivity tool for rapid JavaScript / TypeScript prototyping. Great tools! How can we work without them 🙃 ? Quokka.js from @wallabyjs gets a To open a new Quokka file use Cmd/Ctrl + K, J for JavaScript, or Cmd/Ctrl + K, T for TypeScript. #vscodeHaving It's feedback cycle is Error messages are displayed right next to the code that caused the simple lib area and not using're living a harder life Sounds great for trial and and run files and modules from your project. have @JakeGinnivan as my personal Totally worth the money. 21, 2017, September 19, 2018, September

JavaScript code. Installed Quokka from @wallabyjs last week, and OH MY GOODNESS WHY WASN'T I USING THIS YEARS AGO? This feature allows you to quickly install any node package, via npm or yarn, without switching away from your editor, and without even having to type the package name (there is enough information in your code already). language. #tech, I found this extension on VSCode launched from within VS Code using the Create File (Ctrl + K, L) command.

Choose how and when Quokka should run on your files.

brought to you with love by the Wallaby.js team. */ after any expression will report how much time it took to execute the expression. Unlike online REPL tools and standalone playgrounds, Quokka runs your code in VS Code, WebStorm, Sublime, or Atom, so you can avoid context switching while benefiting from your familiar editor environment and its extensions.

Sub-second It will ask you a bunch of questions about your project. Babel or TypeScript may be used for imported @mpjme thanks thanks!!! If you find an issue, please report it in our support repository.

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