We are sharing it for the second time at our team huddle to encourage our volunteers as we begin implementing The Gospel Project curriculum in our nursery and toddler area. The gospel message is simple enough for a child to understand. Take a second to support Evan Minton on Patreon! If you’re like me, you might sometimes collapse on the couch and wonder, These kinds of doubts have been floating around since Bible times. For example, how long are the days? He also wrote: It is true that in the Scriptures there are great mysteries … but the knowledge of these deep things is not essential to salvation, or else few of us would be saved. Absolutely! I myself find the Day-Age view and Framework Hypothesis to be the most probably true readings of the text. Thank you for this encouragement. The REAL GOSPEL - Simple Enough for a Child BARNUMandBENTLEY. Jesus made a point of declaring that salvation is available to the little ones: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” (Mark 10:14). The things that are essential to salvation are so exceedingly simple that no child need sit down in despair of understanding the things which make for his peace. As people brought children to Jesus, the disciples rebuked them. If you’re like me, you might sometimes collapse on the couch and wonder, Did my efforts make a difference? He’ll say something like “I  don’t believe you need a guru to tell you what The Bible said. He created all land animals such as cattle, “beasts of the field” and bugs (i.e things that creepeth along the ground). But I won’t get into the reasons why The Day-Age and Framework views have more merit than Hovind’s interpretation. . I’m grateful for this effort by Spread Truth to reach the world with the Good News of salvation in such a creative and compelling manner.” You need to weigh the arguments for and against a certain interpretation, and base your acceptance or rejection of an interpretation on that basis. In his debate with Hugh Ross which took place 17 years ago, he said that “If you need some guru to tell you what The Bible says, then you’ve got a cult” (paraphrase). This post is so wonderful! I recently watched a debate between my friend Zachary Lawson and Kent Hovind. Maybe some kind of Framework Hypothesis is correct. Are they putting together the pieces to understand the bigger story of Scripture—the story of Jesus? Your first reading of the text is going to be correct, because God’s Word is easy to read. Your efforts make a difference, whether you see the fruits of your labor or not. The Gospel Project for Kids includes an optional time during each large group session to present the gospel to kids. An Argument Of Hope For Porn/Masturbation Addicts, Promoting Civil Discourse Between YECs, OECs, and ECs, The Historical Reliability Of The New Testament. One of the points that Hovind brought up, and one that he brings up in all of his debates, is that anything other than The Calender Day View (or the Neo-Ussherian view as Zach called it, named after bishop James Ussher) is too complicated, and the average person would never come to an OEC (Old Earth Creationist) or EC (Evolutionary Creationist) understanding of the text apart from having some scholar telling him that that’s what the text means. Be patient, much of the application and transformation takes time as the individual stories and concepts you introduce each week compile to make up the one big story. On the one hand, Paul says “But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 3:14-15, KJV, emphasis mine). I could… These kinds of doubts have been floating around since Bible times. Keep it up! Sometimes I see the text in a whole new light that I didn’t see it in on the first go round, or the second go round, or even the third go round. It widens and deepens with our years.” Every time I go through The Bible, I pick up on things I missed before. Your efforts make a difference, whether you see the fruits of your labor or not.

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