País. В своей горячей, сокровенной, жертвенной, обрядовой сути христианство сделалось лишь органичным продолжением древних индейских верований. His hands are on his abdomen, holding a dish or a bowl for accepting ritual offerings. ( Log Out /  Panamá. Beim Betrachten der Statue beschleichen ihn leise Zweifel, ob die Figur wirklich echt sei. ( Cerrar sesión /  The clearest sign is him using the characters to speak unfavorably about Le Plongeon’s actions: “His spirit has lived in pitcher and storm, naturally; his stone is something else, and to have taken it from its hiding place is artificial and cruel. His appearance couldn’t have been more repulsive; he gave forth an odor of cheap lotion; his face, powdered, trying to cover the wrinkles; he had his lips smeared with badly-applied lipstick, and his hair gave the impression of being dyed“(“Chac Mool”). ( Log Out /  Obvio cada que tomo el libro entre mis manos pienso en mi amigo y pienso en su cara de alegría cuando me lo dio, pienso en el entusiasmo que ponía cuando hablaba de todas las cosas, pero en especial cuando hablaba de libros y música, hablaba moviendo las manos, como comunicándose con su boca y con sus manos en una desesperación por aclarar algo que era una certeza en su corazón. Período de tiempo. Movimiento. Información básica del autor. Wie kommt es nun, dass sich knapp 1000 Jahre nach den toltekischen Einflüssen der Maya noch Gruppen oder Fabriken nach einer Figur benennen, auf der Herzen der geopferten Personen dargelegt wurden? Early in the story (which is told as extracts from Filiberto’s diary, with a framing narrative), Filiberto describes a chat he has with an old friend, about his friend’s theory on the simpatico between Christianity and the old indigenous religions. Personality wise Chac Mool also underwent a transition. Chacmools are often associated with the Aztec rain god Tlaloc or with the similar Mayan rain god Chac (or Chaac). Or maybe (getting back to his friend’s theory) the past isn’t so happy that the Mexican people switched over to a new religion and way of life so easily. Trotz, oder gerade wegen, seiner Herkunft, kritisierte er das Establishment in seinen Werken oftmals und zeigte somit seine ambivalente Stellung gegenüber Mexiko (Kieren, 2005: 5). And if you can find a copy of Julio Cortazar’s “The Night Face Up”, I recommend that one too. Much like the people of Latin America, the characters in this story are forced to deal with the current world and its issues, while at the same time dealing with a past they don’t fully understand. During the story Fuentes writes about his beliefs, his ideas about life about religion Christian which is normal. I believe Chac Mool in this story represents the lasting effects of the conquistadors in Mexico and its identity. Zudem wird die Kurzgeschichte zusammengefasst und der Autor Carlos Fuentes, in seinen wesentlichen Punkten und biographischen Merkmalen, dargestellt. Der Regengott Chaak spielte in dem religiösen Bewusstsein der Mayapopulation eine sehr bedeutsame Rolle und ist somit einer der wichtigsten Gottheiten der Maya (Mehling, 1996: 216). Cuento. The story is about the statue called Chac Mool who is the god of rain. However, throughout the story he views himself as a deity, and thus reacts badly to becoming more human, using all he can to resist the transformation and retain his appearance of godly power. Anfang der 1980-er Jahre fanden Archäologen eine mehrfarbige Figur in der Nähe eines Aztekentempels in Mexiko City. He is fascinated with pre-Columbian Mexican art, and he lives metaphorically in the past, in the lonely (and too large) house left to him by his parents, repulsed by the idea of a modern apartment. Klärung der Ausgangspunkte (The Buddha, apparently, died of food poisoning — or at least soon after eating a meal.). Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Carlos Fuentes Macías was a Mexican writer and one of the best-known novelists and essayists of the 20th century in the Spanish-speaking world. According to Mayan mythology, Chaac was armed with an axe which he used to strike the clouds. A chacmool is a particular form of Mesoamerican sculpture: a figure of a man reclining on his back, upper body supported by his elbows and knees bent. Кажется, нет ничего, в чем бы он ни изверился, а ему все неймется: каких-нибудь пол квартала понадобилось, чтоб сочинить новую теорию. Weitere Informationen zu Cookies und insbesondere dazu, wie Sie deren Verwendung widersprechen können, finden Sie in unseren Datenschutzhinweisen: Lateinamerikanische Sprachen, Literatur, Landeskunde, Universität Rostock Panamá. Nació 11 de noviembre de 1928 en Panamá. Filiberto verkommt zu einem Wasserträger der Figur und soll dafür sorgen, dass der Regengott genug Flüssigkeit erhält um nicht auszutrocknen. Required fields are marked *. What is his personality like? “Пепе увлекается не только коммерческим правом, ему вообще нравится теоретизировать. Período de tiempo. Nationalmuseum für Anthropologie (Mexiko),, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Siglo: XX. ( Cerrar sesión /  I read this when I was in high school, in my literature class and I absolutely loved it one of my favorites, then I reread this after high school and I still loved it. Ihre unbequeme Sitzhaltung lässt an Gefangene denken, doch sind Arm- oder Fußfesseln nicht erkennbar. In fact, his first book was a collection of fantastic fiction called Los Dias Enmascarados (The Masked Days), which, to my knowledge, was never translated into English. Full of imagery. I'll scrape off the moss Sunday. Home; My Books; Browse ... Carlos Fuentes Macías was a Mexican writer and one of the best-known novelists and essayists of the 20th century in the Spanish-speaking world. Un ambiente ficticio. Photo by Luis Alberto Lecuna/Melograna. The best 30 minutes I have spent recently. Als Kopfschmuck dient eine verzierte Kappe (oft mit rechtwinklig abstehenden rechteckigen Ohrenteilen). Filiberto bekommt es immer mehr mit der Angst zu tun und beschließt, bei den nächtlichen Ausflügen des Chac Mool zu fliehen. Dazu zählt auch die Mayastatue Chac Mool. País. El Tiempo y El Espacio La Creación literaria. CARLOS FUENTES. Le Plongeon is the man who made the first discovery of a ‘Chac Mool’. Fuentes is regarded by many as Mexico's foremost contemporary fiction writer. After the Chac Mool arrives, the water pipes mysteriously burst and the roof springs leaks in the rain. The story follows through his journal entries as he buys a Chac Mool statue he believes to be a fake, only to discover it contains the soul of the God of Rain. Mexico’s past, as represented by Chac Mool, is another reality, one that “we knew was there, homeless, that must shake us to make itself alive and present”. Do you find any relationship between this story and Paz’ essays? Henri Stierlin: Das alte Mexiko. Dabei findet ein Rollenwechsel statt, denn es ist der ehemalige Hausbesitzer Filiberto, welcher im Laufe der Geschichte von Chac Mool verdrängt wird und dieser nun seinen Platz einnimmt. In vielen Kunstwerken aus der damaligen Zeit findet sich der Chaak wieder, zumeist dargestellt mit einer charakteristischen Rüsselnase und tränenumflorten Augen (Mehling, 1996: 216). He represents the Chac Mool coming to life in a form of a human sacrificing Filiberto (as in the mayan-toltec rituals) taking his spot in the world. Cuento. Durch Filibertos Tagebucheinträge erfährt der Leser, dass sich die Figur des Chac Mool im Keller seines Hausherren voll Wasser saugt und mit "einer Art grünen Ausschlag" (Fuentes, 1976: 11) überzogen ist. Filiberto pone al Chac Mool en el sotano y el sotano se llena de agu y el Chac Mool empieza a tomar forma de una persona lentamente. I think that Chac Mool will never forgive it. He desires soap and sleeps in Filiberto’s bed. If the reader has any doubt whether the events are real, or only in Filiberto’s head…. It was only recently that Filiberto drowned in Acapulco. However, as he became physically more human he began to exhibit more human traits. Is this story an allegory? He acts like an animal beign very violent with the protegonist despite needing him to survive. Der Name wurde abgeleitet aus der Bezeichnung Chaacmol, mit der Augustus Le Plongeon eine Figur bezeichnete, welche er 1875 in Chichén Itzá ausgrub. resist the bureaucratic temptation to go, same as every year, to the German pensión, to eat sauerkraut sweetened by the sweat of the tropical kitchen, to dance on the Saturday of glory in La Quebrada, and to feel himself a “regular” in the dark anonymity of evening on the beach of Hornos. Chac-Mool (Excerpt) by Carlos Fuentes. Image: Wikimedia. In Fuentes’ story, the protagonist, Filbert (Filiberto in the original), buys a chacmool (or as the story puts it, a replica of the Chac Mool, used as a proper noun) from some little junk shop, and brings it home. This book is an exceptionally wide-ranging alphabetically arranged collection of stories spanning all genres of short fiction. Murió 15 de mayo del 2012 (83 años) en México. Pepe suggested I move to an apartment on an upper floor, to … This short story is a powerhouse. Chaak vs. Chac Mool - Fuentes Annährung an einen alten Mythos The story switches from the present to the past as this friend reads through Filiberto’s journal as he attempts to understand what happened. bis nach Nicaragua und Costa Rica im Süden. How could they “venerate an individual who died of indigestion”? Fuentes influenced contemporary Latin American literature, and his works have been widely translated into English and other languages. Slowly, the Chac Mool turns Filiberto into his slave…. Sie bildet einen Zugang zum inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt der kommenden Seiten- die lateinamerikanische Identitätsproblematik.

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