What does a test written with Test Driven Development represent? What should the Development Team do? The money an organization owes to tool and hardware vendors. A software development practice that continuously integrates feedback from users into software design. They ensure your product remains bug free. framework within which you can employ various process and techniques. PS: I would have personally preferred highlighting collective ownership - saying whoever in the development team first noticed it as broken fixes it - if required with help from the person who last made a change that led the build to break. Never. The Scrum Team Model is built to optimize ______________, _______________, and ___________. Put them in order : measures the coupling to unique classes through parameters, local variables, return types, method calls, generic or template instantiations, base classes, interface implementations, fields defined on external types, and attribute decoration. Immediately raise the issue to the Scrum Master as an impediment. The Daily Scrum inspects progress towards what two things? _____________ typically have a format like : (T/F) Most features begin as epics then get broken down into stories that can be implemented. They exercise the persistence layer of a solution. Some functional testing techniques include (5) : the process of determining the speed or effectiveness of a computer, network, software program or device. During the _____________ the Scrum Team and stakeholders collaborate about what was done in the Sprint. a piece of working software that adds to previously created Increments, where the sum of all Increments - as a whole- form a product. Serves to inspect the work from the Product Backlog that is most valuable to be done next, and to design this work into the Sprint backlog. The confusion: Currently it suggests that each individual has some particular 'ideal' responsibility in the team. When are testers and quality experts ideally included in a project? Every day the Development Team should understand how it will work together as a _________________ team to accomplish the _______________ and create the anticipated ________ by the end of the Sprint. Which of the following are NOT metrics of code quality? Clear title and proper grammar in report. When multiple teams work together on the same product, each team should maintain a separate Product Backlog. What is the recommended size for a Development Team (within the Scrum Team)? 1. it involves minimum planning and maximum test execution. False, only the product owner is responsible for product backlog management, but can assign sub-tasks to the development team. What does a test written with Test Driven Development represent? This is optional and makes progress more transparent. The Sprint Retrospective has a ___ hour maximum, but can be __________ with Sprints under a month long. In order to change the priority of an item in the product backlog any member of the scrum team may simply change it. Sprint Planning answers what two questions? This should be done with artifacts/progress frequently enough to detect undesirable variances, but not so frequently that it becomes an obstruction. (T/F)The Definition of "done" helps guide the Development Team in knowing how many PBIs it can select during Sprint Planning. Who can the Development Team negotiate with if it determines that there is too much/too little work in a sprint? a physical board to visualize info for and by the Scrum Team, often used to manage Sprint Backlog. software code that is expressed well, formatted correctly, and organized for later coders to understand. In charge of facilitating scrum events as requested or needed. Which are three attributes of a BAD bug report? The Development Team should not be interrupted during the Sprint. set of the Product Backlog items selected for the Sprint. The CEO asks the Development Team to add a "very important" item to a Sprint that is in progress. Provides guidance to the Development Team on why it is building the Increment. They allow frequent validation of the unit of software being worked on, ensuring it remains in a potentially shippable state. (3 blanks) are protective practices used to forecast progress. The Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring that the product backlog management does this. (T/F) The Product Owner gets to determine what items from the Product Backlog will be accomplish? Select two (2) benefits of continuous integration : 1. the software is generally kept in a buildable state. You can't run automated tests without an automated build. Only ______________ has the authority to cancel the Sprint. What should you do? Which describes the practice of expressing requirements as acceptance tests? This is most beneficial when done at the point of work by skilled inspectors. In the Sprint Review ____________ demonstrates the work that is has "done" and answers questions about the increment. Which are two things that are appropriate for a scrum master to do if the development team doesn't have the engineering tools and infrastructure to completely finish each selected product backlog item? ___________ class coupling indicates a design that is difficult to reuse and maintain because of its many inter dependencies on other types. A chart showing the evolution of remaining effort against time. ______________ meeting should create a plan for implementing improvements to the way the Scrum Team does its work. (T/F) It is important that everyone understands what "done" means when used to describe an Increment or PBI. Hence the answer, the person who broke it. A) The person who broke the build B) The person assigned to the configuration management role within the team C) The tester responsible for validating builds D) The next person who needs the build to complete successfully. To make it easy to distinguish between different software products. The epiphany of integration points is that they control product development. Which of the following are 2 attributes of exploratory testing : code that is expressed well, formatted correctly, and organized for later coders to understand. Changes in (3 blanks) may cause changes in the product backlog. An assignment from the lead quality engineer. The person assigned to the configuration management role within the team, The tester responsible for validating builds, The next person who needs the build to complete successfully, Removing question excerpt is a premium feature. increases the value and control risk of the decisions made to optimize value in Scrum. (T/F) New definitions of "done" may uncover additional work in previously "done" increments. Iterative, incremental approach used by scrum to optimize predictability and control risk. Must understand product planning in an empirical environment. Must ensure that the Product Owner knows how to arrange the Product Backlog to maximize value. Which of the following best describes Continuous Integration? Otherwise, put the new bug into the Product Backlog to be prioritized and fixed in an upcoming Sprint. Why are PBIs for the upcoming Sprint refined? ____________________ meeting must inspect how the last Sprint went with regards to people, relationships, process, and tools. False, they often do this immediately after the daily scrum. Significant aspects of the process must be defined by a common standard and visible to those responsible for the outcome. (T/F) The Sprint Backlog is modified throughout the sprint by the Development Team. You are unable to check-in code without one. The solutions from step 5 has notification systems to inform the team or individual when a build or test fails or succeeds. The selected PBIs that will deliver one coherent function. B. (T/F) The Daily Scrum can only be question based. Scrum teams deliver products in what two ways to maximize opportunities for feedback ? In Continuous Integration, it is ensured that this file is kept up-to-date to ensure that the entire build process is seamless. The person who broke the build . To ensure that "orphan functions" are not created. Test-driven development defines a series of steps that are to be followed strictly. Present an opportunity in the Sprint for something to be inspected or adopted. Development Team; Product Owner and Scrum Master ; Sprint Goal; Increment. The length of a daily Scrum is time-boxed at 15 minutes, it _________________ change with the length of a Sprint. _____________ must work with all involved parties to understand if artifacts are completely transparent. business requirements, market conditions, or technology. What should the Development Team do when, during a sprint, it finds out that a problem is outside of their control blocks them from doing all of this work? 1. ___________________ ensures that the Sprint Planning event happens and that the attendants understand its purpose. In the Sprint Review ____________ discusses the Product Backlog as it stands. ______________________ could create incentives to write tests that simply increase coverage, rather than tests that find bus without increasing coverage. This means that an event has a maximum duration that is fixed and cannot be shortened or lengthened once the sprint has begun. _____________ is responsible for increasing transparency in artifacts by work that involves learning, convincing, and change. Will help the development Team to create high-value products. PBIs that can be "Done" by the Development team within one Sprint are deemed what? They eliminate the need for Build Engineers. teams having all competencies needed to accomplish work without depending on external resources. organizational concept that bridges the gap between development and operations. The result of this meeting is that the Product Backlog is revised to defines the probable PBIs for the next sprint. At least one _________________ identified in the Sprint Retrospective is added to the Sprint Backlog. Complete the work that can be done on as much scope as possible and use the Sprint Review to plan the rest with the stakeholders. If build … (T/F) Any Scrum Team member may change the Sprint Backlog during a sprint if needed. (T/F) The Product Backlog evolves as the product/environment evolve. (choose all that apply). 1. Which statement best describes a cross-functional team? False, they must be usable so that the PO can make this choice. The architect chosen by the Development Team. Sprints contain and consist of what five parts? (T/F) The Development Team shouldn't meet after the Daily Scrum for more discussions on how to adapt, or replan, the rest of the Sprint. If build fails, stop and fix on your machine. Code that has not been commented or documented. Testing existing software before developing any new software. the selection of items form the Product Backlog a Development Team deems feasible for implementation in a Sprint. An objective set for the Sprint that can be met through the implementation of the Product Backlog. To do that you need to think about how to apply specific practices within the Scrum Framework. Delivery of "done" that insures that there is always a useful version of working product available. feature-driven development with the core values for all methodologies under its umbrella. a shared set of development and technology standards that a Development Team applies to create releasable Increments of software. Each test makes assertions about only one logical concept.

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