Financial intelligence for decision making

Financial Intelligence for decision making

Focused workshop to understand financial implication of everyday decisions/actions

Decision makers and team players who use financial information in their everyday work. This includes directors, senior managers, managers, senior executives or other team members

Help create framework for improved decision making using financial information to ones’ advantage. The workshop aims for a deeper understanding beyond awareness of financial implications of specific actions/activities

  • In today’s competitive environment, an entity cannot afford to have disconnects or gaps within its people or processes in terms of functional or domain knowledge. Financially unviable decisions (after factoring social implications in financial terms for social oriented entities) have the potential to severely erode shareholder value and can pose serious challenges. Thus, it is imperative that financial awareness be raised among all team members to better manage businesses’ revenues, costs, profits and cash.The workshop seeks to
    • Familiarize participants with basic finance concepts and commonly used financial jargons
    • Introduce participants to accounting, budgeting, marginal costing, breakeven etc.
    • Develop ability to interpret numbers/financial ratios

    Empower participants to conduct financial evaluation of alternatives present, to propose viable courses of action

After successful completion, the participants will be able to leverage their new perspective for making effective decisions. Learning outcomes include:

  • Enhanced ability to understand real life situations and leverage acquired knowledge of financial management basics for increased effectiveness; Financial acumen is now considered a basic knowledge/skill set requirement for middle and senior management
  • Interpret and understand project, operation and overall organization performance from key indicators
  • Ability to analyze financial feasibility through cost calculations using
  • Ability to interpret financial position of an organization through concepts such as Cash Flow statements, P&L statements and Balance Sheet for interpreting the principles underlying the discipline of costing
  • Understand allocation of budgeted resources and build a compelling case for funding support for own projects
  • Ability to have a meaningful discussion with the finance team thereby creating a useful ally
  • Concept and critical importance of budgeting; ability to create an effective budget.
  • Create an acceptable argument from a financial perspective for specific budget requests, backed by relevant financial data
  • Ability to calculate ROI for the suggested project/recommended course of action leading to increased buy-in
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